Why Use A Spectank?
REDUCE costs & improve margins
A single filled Tank will clean all your equipment for a full month, saving hours of running tap water and the cost of heating that water. It also saves you hours in labour costs, as well as the costs of the cleaning chemicals, brushes and sponges.
SPOTLESSLY clean equipment
Clean equipment like stove tops, gas rings, filters and grills regularly, rather than when your staff ‘have time for it’. Cleaner equipment improves the aesthetics and colouration of cooked/baked food, reduces cooking time and reduces wastage.
SAFER kitchens
70% of kitchen fires start in the ventilation system, caused by trapped oil, grease and fat residue on the filters. Soak your filters in the Tank to eliminate all the residue and maintain incredibly clean filters; without the use of harmful, dangerous chemicals like Caustic Soda.
BANISHES black carbon build-up
An initial long soak (up to 24 hours) will restore old equipment, and then daily/ weekly soaking will keep it looking like new by following the cleaning schedule.
Our proprietary cleaning powder CARBSOLVE is approved as food safe, and is bio-degradable, non-toxic and non-corrosive.
SPARKLING equipment anytime
Out tanks will cleans those hard to reach corners, joints and crevices! The Tank also works 24/7/365, is never late and never needs a break!
SANITIZED and bacteria free
The solution remains in the appliance for a month at a time at a constant temperature of 185° F. All items removed from the unit are fully sanitized and bacteria free. A light rinse is required before using items.
BETTER staff morale
Turn one of the most dreaded, time consuming jobs in the kitchen into a quick, simple task!
COOLER kitchen temperatures
Clean filters extract more hot air, leaving the kitchen cooler and more comfortable to work in.
Non-Toxic & Non-Corrosive
Carbsolve is non-toxic, non corrosive, environmentally friendly, user friendly and biodegradable cleaning powder, specially formulated for use in an Spectank system. Together Spectank and Carbsolve will remove fat, grease, carbon and oil without causing any damage to the parent material.
Environmentally Friendly
A Spectank is available in two standard sizes for all applications. One dose of CarbSolve dissolved in the tank and heated to operating temperature will clean continuously and remove fat, grease, carbon and oil build-up for approximately 30 days.
Safe & Easy To Use
Previous methods for cleaning equipment included acid baths, caustic soda and blasting or soaking for hours in boiling water and chipping away manually for days and then repeating the same operation. These “old fashioned” methods are costly, ineffective and dangerous.
Cost Effective
With new health and safety regulations, the need for our product is becoming even greater. Health and fire officers are no longer prepared to allow the use of dirty filters. Replacement of these items is very expensive, and to have them cleaned by alternative methods is also costly and could lead to damage of the equipment.
Save Time, Save Money, Save Water
Spectank cleans difficult greasy, grimy items like extraction filters, oven grids, grates, gas rings, deep fry baskets, etc. In any kitchen, cleaning these items is seen as a major task. Spectank reduces direct labour, water and electricity / gas costs, and far outweighs conventional cleaning methods.
Stainless Steel
Spectanks are made from a specially designed stainless steel, double skinned, with a thermostatically controlled heating element.